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    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062
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Business Valuation and Divorce – Plan for the Unforeseen

Categorized as High Asset Divorce, Property Division

A business valuation helps plan for unforeseen circumstances, details an exit strategy for the owners and lays out an execution plan for expansion; Business valuations use many different ways to come up with a value but what is always relevant is the business assets, liabilities, income, benefits and the current market in and outside of

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If My Ex Has an Increase in Income Can I Modify Child Support?

Categorized as Child Support, Child Support Modification

In Illinois, the parent paying child support cannot modify support using the other parent’s increased income as a substantial change in circumstances. While the new support law takes into account the income of both parents, there still needs to be a substantial change in circumstance to ask the court to modify the child support. It

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Finding Hidden Assets in an Illinois Divorce – Top 7 Questions Answered

Categorized as Divorce, Divorce Process, High Asset Divorce, Illinois Divorce

As high asset divorce attorneys, we regularly field questions about finding hidden assets in an Illinois divorce. When it comes to the breakup of high assets or high net worth couples, this is almost always a concern. The divorce process is supposed to entail full disclosure of assets by each party. In high asset divorces,

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Hidden Assets in Divorce: Show Me the Money!

Categorized as Divorce, Divorce Litigation, High Asset Divorce

Dealing with hidden assets in a high-net-worth divorce is not an uncommon challenge. High net worth individuals often have multiple financial accounts, whether it be checking, savings, money market, investment or retirement accounts. Most people who have a lot of money and high net worth don’t simply have their money sitting in one pot –

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Cyber-Spying: Spying on your life partner is easier than before

Divorce breeds distrust. In today’s technology-driven society, distrust leads to cyber-spying. No doubt, when you are going through your divorce, there is often a compulsion to see what your spouse is up to.  Some want to know if there is cheating and others just want financial information. It is important to know exactly what you

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