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    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062
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Spousal Maintenance Awards in Illinois – Termination Factors

Categorized as Spousal Support

In Illinois, we sometimes award a party support from their former spouse, called maintenance.  Many other states typically refer to this as alimony or spousal support.  In Illinois, the maintenance statute indicates that spousal support will terminate if the recipient of the maintenance cohabits on a continuing, conjugal basis with another person while receiving maintenance. 

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Understanding the Consequences of Ignoring Court Orders

Categorized as Illinois Divorce, Illinois Family Law

Family relationships and dynamics are among the most personal aspects of someone’s life. When the Court system gets involved for any reason, it may feel like a whirlwind that is mostly out of your control. Complying with court orders might seem challenging, especially when dealing with personal family matters. In this article, we discuss the

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