• Chicago Downtown Office
    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062

Managing Child Support Arrearages: What You Need to Know

Categorized as Child Support

Child support arrearages are support obligations that were not previously paid. Arrearages do not terminate once the original support obligation is over; they must be paid off over time, even if the child(ren) are now over 18, until they are paid in full (you cannot file bankruptcy on your child support arrearages either).  In this

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Evaluating the Impact of Divorce on Your Health Insurance Coverage: Essential Tips and Considerations

Categorized as Divorce

It’s common for a married couple to be covered under one health insurance plan, usually through one of the individual’s employer.  The spouse who has the insurance through their employer is the “primary enrollee” or “policy holder.” The spouse of the employee or policy holder is the “dependent” or “family member.”  But what happens to

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Understanding Parental Child Abduction: Key Facts and Preventive Measures

Categorized as Child Custody, Family Law

Family law cases, including divorce and parentage matters, often face a serious challenge.  This is the risk that a parent or family member might abduct a child.  Such actions deny the other parent their lawful time with their children.  Child abduction is not only illegal, but also extremely harmful to the children involved.  In this

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Parental Responsibilities Allocation Judgments & What You Need to Include in Yours

Categorized as Child Custody

Divorce for couples with children is often a stressful and challenging process, filled with tense moments for both parents and their children. However, recent changes to Illinois Family Law, particularly the introduction of parental responsibilities allocation judgments, have made it possible for many Illinois parents to navigate divorce more smoothly. These judgments, which replace the

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