When your marriage is starting to fall apart, it can be tempting to save money and legal fees by going through a divorce on your own, or pro se. This can definitely be a good idea when everyone agrees on how to share co-parenting responsibilities and how to divide marital assets. However, there are critical signs that you need a divorce lawyer to represent you in your divorce case.
Common Signs that You May Need a Divorce Lawyer
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#1 – You and Your Spouse Disagree on Parenting Issues
One of the most challenging parts of a divorce is figuring out how to co-parent effectively after the marriage ends. Parenting issues are highly emotional and often disrupt an otherwise smooth divorce process.
Many parents going through a divorce believe they are the only one fit to be the primary caregiver. They worry about what happens to the kids during the other parenting time. Will the other parent step up to the responsibilities? These questions, though natural, can easily turn toxic and accusatory. If you disagreed about parenting while married, these disagreements are likely to worsen during a divorce.
A good divorce attorney can guide you through the process and help create an agreement that addresses your goals. If you have specific ideas for co-parenting after divorce, communicate them to your attorney so they can negotiate with your spouse.
#2 – You and Your Spouse Disagree on Money Issues
You may need a divorce lawyer if you and your spouse disagree on money issues with no hope in sight. Many people going through a divorce don’t even know where to begin if they have shared money and shared assets that have been purchased or acquired after the marriage. Frequently, the parties to a divorce case don’t even really have a sense of what the other person has in their bank accounts, retirement accounts, or other joint asset accounts. And, additionally, if the parties have a sense of what the other person has, and disagree about how to divide it, the best way to go about handling this situation is to hire a divorce attorney who will do a close read of your financials and assets and determine an equitable method of dividing it that will work for the long-term.
Finally, if you have all of the information you need, and just can’t agree after trying on how to divide the assets, a good attorney will be able to take the issue to a hearing and ask the Court to come down on your side. An attorney worth their weight in salt will determine the value of the issue, and make recommendations about how to resolve it. If the issue would cost more to litigate than the asset is worth, usually, they can find a way to work it out by agreement.
#3 – Your Spouse Will Purposely Make Your Life Difficult to Punish You for Divorcing Them
Nobody enjoys going through a divorce. It’s a difficult, emotional process. If your spouse is someone who has made threats about the divorce – or using the divorce process – to punish you, an attorney on your side will be able to stop those abusive tactics. This is a clear sign that you need a divorce lawyer.
#4 – You Have Suffered Abuse, Physical or Emotional, In Your Marriage
Unfortunately, physical and emotional abuse still occur frequently in our society. If you are a victim of abuse, it’s crucial to hire an attorney who can request an Order of Protection from the Court. This order can prevent further abuse and may even require the abuser to stay away from you. If the abuse involves or affects your children, the attorney can also request protection for them. A skilled attorney will help you tell your story to the Court and seek the protection you need.
#5 – There’s A Severe Power Imbalance in the Marriage
If your marriage has a significant power imbalance, it’s crucial to hire an attorney to protect your interests. For instance, if your spouse earns significantly more while you work in the home without a steady income, they might use their financial power to influence the divorce outcome, overwhelming you with legal paperwork until you give in. A lawyer can help level the playing field and protect your rights.
Divorce is never easy, but having the right support can make a big difference. If you are facing any of these challenges, an experienced Chicago divorce attorney can help ensure your rights are protected and provide peace of mind during a difficult time.