• Chicago Downtown Office
    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062

In a Divorce Case, What is NOT Considered Dissipation of the Marital Estate?

Categorized as Property Division

Last week, we discussed what constitutes dissipation of marital assets and/or the marital estate. We discussed that expenditures held to constitute dissipation are extraordinary expenses that clearly do not further common marital interests. So what is NOT dissipation? The following are considered NOT to be dissipation of the martial estate Gifts: No dissipation where a

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Divorce Witness List

Categorized as Divorce Litigation

Preparing for trial can often be an overwhelming experience. What many clients do not realize is that the Illinois Supreme Court Rules dictate how both parties must prepare for trial. Before a matter can proceed to trial, the parties must each disclose the witnesses they will call to testify on their behalf and the documents

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Choose Your Maintenance Award Carefully

Categorized as Illinois Divorce, Spousal Support

People know that alimony is now called maintenance. But few people understand what kind of maintenance is the best award for them. It is important for you to fully explore your individual circumstances to determine which maintenance award is in your best interest. There are many kinds of maintenance. A “Maintenance in Gross” award is

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Money Matters While Undergoing Divorce

Categorized as Property Division

Managing regular household bills on a monthly basis can be challenging enough during marital bliss. When a couple commences the divorce process, they often face two sets of household expenses in addition to their separate attorneys’ fees. Understanding some basic rules regarding marital income and expenses can be crucial to managing expenses and minimizing debt.

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