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    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062
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Who Has to Move During Divorce Proceeding, Wife or Husband?

Categorized as Divorce

Many couples filing for divorce chose to remain living together while the divorce is pending.  Sometimes couples remain living together for financial reasons, sometimes because they don’t want to be apart from the children, and sometimes because both parties are both too stubborn to move.  However, in many of these cases a time comes when

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Disabled Adult Guardianships In Illinois

Categorized as Family Law

Illinois family law provides protection for disabled adults through the well-defined disabled adult guardianship laws. Guardians can be appointed in Illinois when an adult is unable to fully manage their property, handle their finances and when they are unable to care for themselves on a day to day basis. Most of us do not think

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BEWARE: 50/50 Parenting Time is Here

Categorized as Child Custody & Visitation

50-50 parenting time is a reality to some judges in Illinois. They begin their analysis with “let’s give each parent 50/50 time and then review the factors to determine if that should not be the case.”  Although 50-50 parenting is often requested and often granted, it is inconsistent with the current law’s emphasis on the best

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Are You Ready to Go Through With Divorce?

Categorized as Divorce

4 Questions to Think About When Deciding Whether To Go Through With Divorce4 Questions to Think About When Deciding Whether To Go Through With Divorce1. Is it the right time to get a Divorce?2. Am I hiring the right divorce attorney for me?3. What is life going to be like after divorce?4. How

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