• Chicago Downtown Office
    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062

How to Avoid a Coronavirus Quarantine Divorce

Categorized as Coronavirus, Divorce

The quarantine memes all over the internet have spoken.  Once quarantine life and shelter in place is over, bathing suit season may be canceled, but the divorce season is coming in full force.  People are growing tired of the mundane day to day routine, the pressures of distance learning and homeschooling, running a household, putting

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Anderson Boback & Marshall go to the Supreme Court | ABM

There is so much information now about the Coronavirus, that it is hard to wade through it all. With so many news stories, some true and some that stretch that truth, it is hard to know what is correct. As a Chicago family law attorneys, we are fielding many calls about the coronavirus and how

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Remote Prove-Up Hearings During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Categorized as Coronavirus, Divorce, Divorce Litigation, Divorce Process, Illinois Divorce

If you were at a point where you were ready to finalize your divorce before the COVID-19 pandemic and shelter-in-place order, and now feel unsure about how to move forward, schedule a remote prove-up hearing. Although courts are primarily closed to non-emergency matters, the courts are still running. Judges are still conducting hearings, issuing rulings,

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5 Helpful Tips When Divorcing Over 50

Categorized as Divorce, Illinois Divorce

Divorcing over 50, sometimes called a “gray divorce”, comes with some unique challenges. While divorce is rarely easy, without careful planning and sound legal advice, going through a divorce after decades of marriage can take a significant toll on your emotional and financial health.  Therefore, planning for this difficult and life-altering event is important to

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When Divorce and Bankruptcy Collide

Categorized as Divorce, Illinois Divorce

If you are looking at filing for divorce and bankruptcy, which do you do first? Couples may choose to file for bankruptcy jointly before getting a divorce. This will allow them to discharge both parties’ debts before filing for divorce and taking the issue of debt division out of the divorce process as much of

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Grandparents Gain Custody and Trump the Rights of Biological Parents

Categorized as Child Custody, Grandparents Rights

The petitioners, in this case, were the grandparents of the child in question.  The grandparents gain custody of their granddaughter after filing a petition to establish custody.  In that petition, they alleged that they’d been caring for their granddaughter since she was an infant.  The biological mother fought back, stating in her court pleadings that

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