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    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062
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What NOT to do Before You File for Divorce In Chicago

Categorized as Divorce

As Chicago divorce attorneys, we often get the question from spouses contemplating divorce is “Are there mistakes they could possibly make before they even file for divorce? The answer to their question is ABSOLUTELY! Many people don’t realize that you can hurt your case before it even starts. Here are 4 things you should NOT

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Seeking Temporary Support in an Illinois Divorce

Categorized as Spousal Support

Divorce is expensive. There is no way around that. Between lawyers and filing fees, along with the emotional cost, it can get expensive to get divorced. It also does not help that partners are not always on the same grounds financially when getting divorced. For example, one spouse may earn less due to their chosen

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5 Signs You Need a Divorce Lawyer

Categorized as Divorce

When your marriage is starting to fall apart, it can be tempting to save money and legal fees by going through a divorce on your own, or pro se.  This can definitely be a good idea when everyone agrees on how to share co-parenting responsibilities and how to divide marital assets, there are some important

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