• Chicago Downtown Office
    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062

Do You Have a Complex Divorce? What You Need to Know

Categorized as Divorce

A complex divorce is a divorce that deals with complex issues like child custody, one or more of the parties holding a business interest, or perhaps there are significant debts. Typically, a complex divorce utilizes professionals in other fields other than domestic relations. Essentially, any case where the answer to the problem is not always

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The Importance of Legal Advice Before Signing a Marital Settlement Agreement

Categorized as Divorce

As a Chicago divorce attorney, I get so many questions about whether people need legal representation before signing a marital settlement agreement.  What could be more important than dividing up the monies and assets you accumulated during the marriage or securing your pension? When you realize that your marital settlement agreement is drafted in such

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Back-to-School for Divorced or Separated Parents In Chicago – What Do I Need to Know?

Categorized as Child Custody & Visitation

Back-to-school season can be very chaotic and challenging.  School supplies need to be purchased, back-to-school wardrobes need to be ready, backpacks need to be full, lunches need to be made and extra-curricular activities need to be selected.  Being separated or divorced from your child(ren)’s other parent can make this time even more challenging.  Here are

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5 Signs You May Be Heading for Divorce

Categorized as Divorce

As a Chicago family law attorney, learning the client’s story of their marriage is an integral part of understanding the issues that led to the breakdown of the marriage, and how those issues will continue to impact the parties during the divorce process. By the time I speak to a client, that person has usually

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