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    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062
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Protecting the Family Business in Divorce

Categorized as Divorce

While divorce is always stressful, no matter who the person is that is going through it. When it comes to couples or a spouse that is part of a family business, the stress in these sorts of proceedings can be even more significant.  They are involved in a business with family members, and so now

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Divorce in Your Sixties – What You Need to Know 

Categorized as Divorce

Getting a divorce later in life, often referred to as “grey divorce,” has become increasingly common in Chicago family law courts. As a Chicago divorce attorney, I’ve worked with several older clients who underwent a divorce for a myriad of reasons. Some knew their marriage was failing but choose to postpone their divorce until the

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Private Mediation in Chicago Child Custody Cases

Categorized as Mediation

Using mediation during your Chicago child custody case is a form of a process called “alternative dispute resolution” or ADR. Private mediation is a great way to try to resolve the case and avoid the need to have a Judge decide the outcome. The mediator is someone who is not advocating for either party; they

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False Allegations in a Child Custody Dispute

Categorized as Child Custody

False allegations by a former partner are often one of the most common and devastating issues that arise during family law cases and child custody disputes. I cannot count the number of clients I have counseled who are shocked and saddened by false allegations of violence and abuse lobbed at them by their ex, both

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