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child's statements about abuse Chicago family law

Can a Child’s Statements Be Used in Court Without the Child Testifying?

Categorized as Child Custody, Child Custody & Visitation, Divorce Litigation, Family Law, Illinois Family Law

When there are allegations of child abuse, many wonder if it’s possible for a child’s statements to be used in a hearing before a judge without the child having to testify. In other words, can your child’s hearsay statements be used in court? Does your child have to appear in court and repeat what was previously said, or can the child’s words be used in the hearing even though she isn’t there?

Hearsay and Use of a Child’s Statements in Court

In many orders of protection cases, parents try to use their child’s statements against the other parent. So, when is it allowed? There are a couple of statutes that the Illinois Courts look to regarding hearsay statements, and you should be aware of each and how they are used.

Section 606.5 of the Dissolution Act (750 ILCS 5/606.5 (West 2018)) specifically pertains to hearings and addresses hearsay statements made by a child in subsection (c).

“Previous statements made by the child relating to any allegations that the child is an abused or neglected child within the meaning of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act [(325 ILCS 5/1 et seq. (West 2018))], or an abused or neglected minor within the meaning of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 [(705 ILCS 405/1-1 et seq. (West 2018))], shall be admissible in evidence in a hearing concerning allocation of parental responsibilities in accordance with Section 11.1 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act [(325 ILCS 5/11.1 (West 2018))]. No such statement, however, if uncorroborated and not subject to cross-examination, shall be sufficient to support a finding of abuse or neglect.” 750 ILCS 5/606.5(c) (West 2018).

Arika M. v. Christopher M., 2019 IL App (4th) 190125 (Ill. App. 2019).

Section 8-2601 (735 ILCS 5/8-2601 (West 2018)) is located in article VIII of the Procedure Code (735 ILCS 5/art. VIII (West 2018)), which addresses evidence. That section states the following:

“(a) An out-of-court statement made by a child under the age of 13 describing any act of child abuse or any conduct involving an unlawful sexual act performed in the presence of, with, by, or on the declarant child, or testimony by such of an out-of-court statement made by such child that he or she complained of such acts to another, is admissible in any civil proceeding, if: (1) the court conducts a hearing outside the presence of the jury and finds that the time, content, and circumstances of the statement provide sufficient safeguards of reliability; and (2) the child either: (i) testifies at the proceeding; or (ii) is unavailable as a witness and there is corroborative evidence of the act which is the subject of the statement.

(b) If a statement is admitted pursuant to this Section, the court shall instruct the jury that it is for the jury to determine the weight and credibility to be given to the statement and that, in making its determination, it shall consider the age and maturity of the child, the nature of the statement, the circumstances under which the statement was made, and any other relevant factors.

(c) The proponent of the statement shall give the adverse party reasonable notice of an intention to offer the statement and the particulars of the statement.” 735 ILCS 5/8-2601 (West 2018).

Arika M. v. Christopher M., 2019 IL App (4th) 190125 (Ill. App. 2019)

Illinois Orders of Protection Laws and Admissibility of Hearsay

The statutory provisions providing for orders of protection are contained in Article II of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 (Domestic Violence Act) (750 ILCS 60/art. II (West 2018)). Under that article, section 205(a) (750 ILCS 60/205(a) (West 2018)) provides the following:

“Any proceeding to obtain, modify, reopen or appeal an order of protection, whether commenced alone or in conjunction with a civil or criminal proceeding, shall be governed by the rules of civil procedure of this State. The standard of proof in such a proceeding is proof by a preponderance of the evidence, whether the proceeding is heard in criminal or civil court. The Code of Civil Procedure [(735 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq. (West 2018))] and Supreme Court and local court rules applicable to civil proceedings, as now or hereafter amended, shall apply, except as otherwise provided by this law.”

Article II also contains a hearsay exception, which applies to “an action for an order of protection on behalf of a high-risk adult with disabilities.” 750 ILCS 60/213.1 (West 2018). The procedure code only addresses the admissibility of out-of-court statements related to child and elder abuse. See 735 ILCS 5/8-2601, 8-2701 (West 2018). Arika M. v. Christopher M., 2019 IL App (4th) 190125 (Ill. App. 2019).

Cases Where Child’s Hearsay Statements Admissible in Court

In Flannery, the circuit court admitted statements made by a child, who was around three years old at the time of the hearing. See Flannery, 328 Ill. App. 3d at 604, 611 (noting the child’s three-year doctor’s appointment was in December 2000 and the hearing began on April 3, 2001). Because the child was so young, it was determined that the child was “unavailable.”

The case of Arika M. v. Christopher M. addresses the problems with child hearsay in an order of protection case. 2019 IL App (4th) 190125 (Ill. App. 2019). In this case, the court allowed the children’s hearsay statements into evidence, but there was no corroboration. The Appellate court, in this case, overturned the judge’s ruling allowing an order of protection against the father.

The Arika M. v. Christopher M. Case

In that case, the mother filed for an order of protection on behalf of herself and her three daughters, and against her husband. The trial court granted the mother’s petition, even though the children were not there to testify. The father was allowed parenting time, but it had to occur within the grandparent’s supervision.

In the mother’s petition, she argued that her daughter did not want to be around their father. The mother stated in her petition that her daughter had been at a band concert and was not acting normally when she returned home. After the concert, the mother asked her daughter what was going on, and her daughter started crying and refused to say anything. Later that night, the mother read her daughter’s diary and the next day, she took the diary to the Illinois State Police.

Children Interviewed by Children’s Advocacy Center and DCFS Case Opened

All three daughters were interviewed at the Children’s Advocacy Center. In the mother’s petition seeking an order of protection, she attached a letter from Illinois State Trooper, detailing what the girls disclosed during the interviews. The letter stated that the girls were being touched by their father in “their private areas and took baths with them.” They also stated that their father walked in the bathroom and opened the curtain while they showered, even after they had requested him to leave. The girls reported feeling uncomfortable and unsafe while in his custody.
Thereafter, the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) opened a case. Again, the letter was produced to a DCFS child protection investigator and also to the children’s school so that the father would not take the children.

Emergency Order of Protection Against Father Issued

On December 19, 2018, the circuit court issued an emergency order of protection against the father and reserved visitation and prohibited him from having any contact with the girls. The emergency order of protection remained in effect until the completion of the hearing on the plenary order of protection.

Mother’s Request for a Plenary Order of Protection

On January 28, 2019, the circuit court commenced the hearing on the mother’s request for a plenary order of protection (2 years). The mother testified on her own behalf, and also presented the testimony of Kate Wheeler, the girls’ counselor.

During the direct examination of Wheeler, the father’s attorney raised a hearsay objection to a question asking Wheeler to disclose what the daughter had told her regarding abuse during a counseling session. The father’s attorney said that the admissibility of the minor’s out-of-court statements was governed by section 8-2601 of the Code of Civil Procedure (735 ILCS 5/8-2601 (West 2018)) and the mother had not established the requirements for admissibility. Specifically, the child was not present to testify, and the mother had not made a showing of the child’s unavailability.

The mother’s attorney argued that section 606.5(c) of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (Dissolution Act) (750 ILCS 5/606.5(c) (West 2018) (formerly section 606(e) of the Dissolution Act)) applied. Further argument stated that even if section 606.5(c) applied, the statements were not admissible unless corroborated. In response, the petitioner’s counsel suggested the circuit court should reserve ruling until additional evidence corroborating the out-of-court statements could be presented. The court reserved ruling on the objection to “wait and see what corroboration there is and what indicia of reliability there is.” Both Wheeler and petitioner then gave testimony that included out-of-court statements made by the three girls.

Circuit Court Admitted Girls’ Out-of-Court Statements

After the close of the mother’s case, the court ruled on the issue of the admissibility of the girls’ out-of-court statements. The father’s attorney argued that the mother did not present any corroborating evidence and noted that she failed to present any medical evidence of abuse.
The mother argued that the girls’ demeanors and actions were corroborative evidence. The court admitted the statements, agreeing with the petitioner’s counsel that the girls’ actions and demeanors corroborated their out-of-court statements. In admitting the statements, the court never specified the statute it relied upon.

Circuit Court Issued Plenary Order of Protection

The circuit court found “it’s not clear at all when the incidents that have been described occurred; however, the court is satisfied that the incidents did occur.” The court also noted it rejected the suggestion the petitioner made up the allegations and stated a plenary order of protection would issue.

Corroboration or Availability to Cross-Exam the Child

In this case, the out-of-court statements admitted were made by minor children, who were old enough to testify in court. The children were able to testify, but the mother didn’t call them in her case. Which is understandable, since she likely didn’t want to expose her children to the proceeding. But to take action against the father and not allow him parenting time (unless supervised) is not fair to the father either. In domestic relations cases, it is not uncommon for one side to plead for an order of protection to seek an upper hand in the custody litigation. It clearly would be hurtful for the girls to take the stand and testify as to what occurred, but without that ability to cross-exam, the hearing is not fair.
After considering the statutory scheme for both hearsay provisions as well as the Domestic Violence Act, it was found that section 8-2601 of the Procedure Code was the applicable statute the court should have used. Section 205(a) of the Domestic Violence Act (750 ILCS 60/205(a) (West 2018)) requires the application of the Procedure Code. At issue in an order of protection proceeding is whether the “petitioner has been abused by respondent, who is a family or household member.” 750 ILCS 60/203(a) (West 2018).

The trial court should have said which statute it was relying upon in allowing the hearsay. It was clear that the court did not follow the provisions of section 8-2601 because it did not make a finding of reliability or a finding the minor children were unavailable as witnesses.

Corroboration of a Child’s Hearsay Statement

Both section 606(e) of the [Dissolution] Act and section 8-2601 of the [Procedure] Code require corroboration of the child’s hearsay statements where the minor is unavailable to testify. What exactly would be corroboration? And when is a child unavailable to testify?

Corroboration of a child’s statement could be cuts and bruises or hospital records showing an injury to the child. In other words, if a child told you that her mother hit her in the mouth and the child has a swollen mouth, the statement has corroboration. The hearsay statement could come into evidence.

Consult a Chicago Family Law Attorney About Admissibility of Your Child’s Statements in a Court Proceeding

Whether your child’s statement can come into evidence in court requires an examination of what type of case you have and how the statement was made. You will need the expertise of a professional to determine if your child will be allowed to testify, or if you can get in the child’s statements without the child being present in court.

A child’s statements regarding any harm or abuse at the hands of a parent are very serious and are important in any family law case. Contact Anderson Boback & Marshall to speak with our experienced family law attorneys to determine how your child’s statements and testimony will be received by the court.

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Attorney Jessica Sindel came through for me in a major way when I desperately needed legal representation for a complicated child services case. Jessica took the time to thoroughly understand my case and expertly represented me through all legal filings, the formal... hearing, and follow-ups. Her communication was consistently clear and speedy. The invoicing was transparent and detailed. She was so easy to work with, which helped make my ordeal bearable. What's hard to quantify is the professional empathy that she demonstrated by taking extra steps to follow up with the court and taking ownership of my case to get me the results that I needed to get my life back.She would be the first person I contact if the need ever arise. I would highly recommend Jessica.read more
Vinh D.
They were great and very helpful they explained everything in detail , Ana garduno helped me with what I wanted , definitely recommend she went above and beyond keeping me updated step by step and getting the results I wanted in my case great communication and... knowledgeread more
Sergio R.
I could not have had a better experience. Jessica Marshall and her team guided me through the entire process and worked diligently on my behalf. I will be recommending this team to anyone looking for legal advice regarding a divorce or any family law matter.
Elizabeth T.
Jessica did a wonderful job at helping me to navigate and get me through my divorce. She was very thorough and friendly. Jessica made sure to keep things on track and always followed up with action items.
Jason Dickens (.
I really appreciated Laura’s help on my case. She was professional, empathetic, knowledgeable, and very quick to respond. She made an unfortunate situation much more tolerable with her ability to move my case along quickly and easily. Highly recommend.
Elizabeth B.
Laura was my assigned Attorney and she was very professional and did an excellent job. Great advice and did everything as quickly and easily as possible. I couldn't of gone through the unfortunate process I had to and got the outcome I did without her.Highly recommend.
Paul C.
Laura is the best. I really recommend. She help me go through all the process and advice. If I need to put more start I will
Marcos D.
Words cannot express the gratitude I have for Jessica Marshall and her team. As a father who was no longer present in the USA, I was facing a monumental task to get access to my daughter in the face of extreme hostility.Enter Jessica Marshall. She was a bastion of... calm in what was the most stressful period of my life. She fought hard for me and won, managing to secure me majority parenting time, majority decision making authority and permission to permanently relocate my daughter from Illinois to the UK.She made the impossible happen, and I’ll forever be in her debt.read more
Dan S.
Attorney Jessica's exceptional assistance and success in securing a proper visitation agreement and reuniting me with my daughter surpassed my expectations. Her prompt correspondence and attention to detail were remarkable, ensuring efficient communication and leaving... no aspect of my case overlooked. I was particularly impressed by Jessica's sensitivity to the financial resources required for such a significant endeavor. She provided expert guidance while keeping costs in mind, demonstrating her commitment to delivering high-quality legal representation without imposing unnecessary financial burdens. Jessica's dedication, combined with her ability to balance my needs with practical considerations, resulted in a positive experience and a successful outcome for me and my daughter.read more
Timothy H.
If you’re looking for a smart, reliable divorce attorney, look no further. I was able to collect many years of back support with the assistance of this office. Jessica Marshall really knows what she is doing and I felt that my outcome was fair. You really do get what... you pay for.read more
Karen M.
Genevieve was my assigned attorney. She did an excellent job, gave great advice and made sure I understood why the court system works the way it does. Extremely highly recommended.
Brendan B.
I’ve been working with Anderson and Boback since 2019 due to the unfortunate complexities of my case. It’s been exhausting and expensive but having this group of powerful attorneys has been pivotal in the success of my case. I’ve worked with two partners and two... associates, including the phenomenal Kim Anderson. My current attorney is Laura Darby and she has been impressive to say the least. Laura is attentive to detail and extremely prepared. She’s going to inform the client of all their options and provide her expertise. She is very knowledgeable concerning the law, policy and deadlines and will keep the client informed. She has the enthusiasm of a young attorney and the confidence of a veteran attorney. Her confidence is well deserved as she is a formidable opponent in the court room! If you’re going to pay for a service, let it be a good service, especially when it concerns the wellbeing of your family. I recommend Anderson & Boback and ask for Laura.read more
Audrey T.
Thanks to Jessica Marshal and Kim Anderson for a job well done with helping me navigate an incredibly complex divorce! I'm glad this is over and that Anderson & Boback played a role in it.
Michael K.
We never go into a marriage thinking I have a great divorce attorney if this doesn’t work out. However, Laura Darby is the attorney you want in your back pocket if you do have to go through a divorce! Laura is extremely knowledgeable, caring, and will advocate for her... clients. She will provide realistic, clear, and yet supportive guidance to her clients.I have been very lucky to call Laura my attorney and I know she always has my back during my divorce case. A divorce is not a pleasant experience but working with Laura has been a positive experience!read more
Kelly O.
This is one of my first online reviews, but I felt it necessary to let prospective clients know that when you go with Jessica Sindel from A&B, you’re getting the absolute best. Jess was hired for a simple adoption, which became contested thus bringing forth a barrage... of other issues and obstacles that were put in our path in an attempt to contest and disrupt the adoption process. Jess never flinched. Not only did she navigate the variety of complex legal issues that never seemed to stop with a contested adoption, but for over a year she worked tirelessly to achieve the result we wanted. A contested adoption, when researched, is one of the most arduous cases to win, and yet, Jess did. She won it with her knowledge, conviction, and dedication. It’s still hard to process, but the fact that she was able to achieve such a result for us speaks to the level of attorney she is. Jess is Atticus Finch meets Kim Wexler except, Jess is superior, because she’s actually real. You are bringing in elite company when you hire Jess and I can promise you will not be disappointed.read more
Jacob R.
My experience with Anderson & Boback was nothing short of professional, efficient and caring. My lawyer, Jessica Marshall, provided a strong sense of guidance, reassurance and a human touch during a very difficult and complicated legal process. Additionally, I felt... that she fully understood what was important to me and ensured our time and communication was used for what was best in the case. No fluff, no delays, very professional and amicable. I did not expect to walk through this tough season with the level of support I received legally and it made a world of difference. Highly recommend Jessica and her team.read more
Rob B.
I was very happy with my experience with Anderson & Boback. While no divorce is ever cheap or easy, I feel that my attorney, Laura, did everything as quickly, easily, and professionally as possible. I really appreciate their help and highly recommended them.
Kelly H.
Fierce! Results driven attorneys. Comparatively.. you will pay, but in the end, you get what you pay for.Would refer and hire again.
Gwendolyn T.
Jessica C. Marshall , partner at Anderson & Bobak is one of the best attorneys I had a pleasure to work with! I wish I had found her sooner in my divorce process. I had a post decree military pension issue and it was resolved quickly, efficiently and effectively. I... didn’t even have to go to court or interact with my ex- spouse. The billing was also very straightforward and honest. Highly recommended attorney!read more
Joanna K.
Jessica is a dedicated, intelligent and a skillful attorney. Her arguments are skillfully articulated. She helped me in getting my divorce finalized in 2018. She then helped in getting the past due child support from my X-spouse and then recently in getting the... maintenance alimony payments settled.It is not very common that a father gets the child custody but with her help, I was able to get custody my my 3 children. I have also had the pleasure of meeting with Janice. Both of them represented me during negotiations. Concise, to the point, friendly, articulate and great at explaining the legal Jargon.I would highly recommend their services.read more
Raza K.
If you want your divorce done in an effective and seamless manner, Jessica Marshall is the lawyer for the job! She is dedicated and agressive, offered sound council that put me at ease, and was just overall a perfect fit for me and my case. My divorce with an extremely... difficult ex was unbelievably frustrating, emotionally charged, and overwhelming to me. Jessica helped me to navigate through it all while making sure the results were achieved in a reasonable timeframe. Jessica is just overall fantastic and I higly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a phenomenal divorce attorney!read more
Rachel J.
Kim Anderson is an awesome attorney. She fights for the best interest of her client. I highly recommend hiring her because she is brilliant when it comes to the law and she keeps everything upfront and to the point.
Drucilla S.
I was really Lucky to get a referral to this firm. It's overwhelming when you have to go to court for anything and it's even more to find a lawyer that will represent you like you want.I am not married but we still fall under the same laws for custody orders and... might I mention not being married I feel like allowed the other parent to constantly have me in court. I feel like a Divorce decree would of stopped a lot of the silliness I endured with my child's father, I could be wrong.I was in court the first time with a ok lawyer from 2009-2014 it was exhausting. Later I felt the attorney I had then only wanted my money and literally stopped listening to me, so I was happy when I was out of court.In 2018 my child's father dragged me back in court and there I was again having to choose a attorney again and I felt like a new kid in school. So I picked poorly again, this attorney wanted me to agree with everything of the opposing attorney. It was insane and I felt I was in a car with someone with no breaks.Well I wasted a year with that attorney and I was felt like I was faced to give up but I was venting to my brother and well he knew a friend who went thru a divorce, this wonderful person shared a few names of offices to call. I got lucky!!! I called Anderson & Boback I spoke with Kim Anderson and I had a real conversation, I really like that it felt like I was talking to another real human being. I know that sounds strange but I can say I have a decent job I try to be a good adult and I understand problems a tad better but it means the world when you can relate with another real person!I look at needing a attorney like you need a new roof, you get a quality roof then the job will last you for years...This is how I see Anderson Boback and I feel like after having their firm represent me I don't see any leaks happening to my roof :)Kim referred Jessica Marshall and Jessica was great the opposing attorney and judge were a tad whacky, Jessica could soothe their troubled minds and for a brief moment they were normal and actually thought logically lol. I described talking to Jessica like talking to my best friend, I don't know all the lawyer jargon but she made it very easy to talk to and she let me know if I was thinking like a movie to much lol.I know I have written a lot and I hope I don't have too many grammatical errors but what I'm trying to say is "third time around really is a charm", this firm was my third encounter with custody lawyers and by far they are the best. I will always refer your firm like I work their lol but really I am truly grateful for the quality of work you administer.It's scary enough going to court not to mention when the love of your life turns into a troll and your faced with judge dredd when you can see your child, all I can say is choose Anderson and Bobak to keep you safe! :)read more
Christine T.
I had to go back to court again after 5 years of divorce. Jessica Sindel took care of my case. Very honest, patient, always able to explain everything in the case with great knowledge! I am glad it’s over now and will just file a petition to have my lawyer’s fee back... to me.read more
Virginia M.
Very please with the results of my case.Rachel Fleishman was assign to work in my case from the very beginning.Very responsive,understanding,responsible and efficient.She answered every question honestly and clearly and worked very hard until she got the outcome of... the case on my favour.I wouldn't hesitate on giving my recommendation to use Anderson & Boback legal services.Thak you allread more
J C.
I am not sure there are enough words to express my full heartfelt appreciation for Jessica Sindel at Anderson & Boback. Our case was far from a traditional custody dispute and the complications were not only endless but dealt with many layers of discrimination and... safety concerns. After many years of attempting my case pro se and with various attorneys that were not able to handle the uniqueness of our situations I was lead to Anderson & Boback in desperation for help and feeling defeated by the legal system.I will say our journey with their firm was not cheap but worth every single penny. Jessica Sindel was not only an incredible litigator for us but also a true advocate who made sure to be affirming to our family with diverse needs, including transgender individuals, a deaf parent and severe medical complications, and continued to fight tirelessly for the safety of my children. Even when everything seemed to be working against us, she went above and beyond her role to be an incredible support to me while also making sure I always knew the possible outcomes of each situation. I always felt informed and supported no matter how hard the situation and she was an incredible listener even in times I was an emotional mess full of fears and what ifs. I was prepared to spend another 10 years in this litigation but I’m so happy that in the end, not only was she able to help us get rights terminated from a problematic and dangerous parent, but continued with us to complete the second parent adoption so that our family is whole and complete.There is no one in the world I would have rather been able to be with us when the adoption was finalized. If you have any worries about hiring Jessica Sindel as your attorney I will leave you with this. She is more than just a great family law attorney but her diligence and perseverance will provide you with the true sense of safety and validation every step of the way. Our family will forever be grateful and refer her to anyone in need of support for their divorce, custody issues or adoption needs.Thank you Jessica Sindel and the entire team at Boback & Anderson.read more
Dee M.
I have been working with Kim Anderson and the firm of Anderson & Boback for my legal needs surrounding a breakdown in the life of my family and me.I spoke with the senior partner Jen Spence a year ago for an hour. I needed knowledge to balance out the fear that was... consuming me. I received an open ear listening and acknowledging my mental emotional intellectual state. At that time there were no legal points or recommendations to be given. It was a caring dialogue, and a endeavor of understanding, helping me gain a sense of where I was.The entire team that I work with now, after meeting Kim a year later is exceptional. I came to the understanding from the prior helpful conversation that I needed active representation. What has become a very important and wonderful realization is that Kim, Rachel, Olivia, all of the other members communicate so well in supporting each other that they are really seamless. The also work to support me and my spouse and children all. I am their client and they are a team for me and my family together. They actively listen exchange well with each other abide by what I want, unless it goes against my best interest, and they have put their foot down when I have adamantly wanted to make a choice in their experience was not, you're my best interest. Kim and her entire team take care.The financial aspect of this is important also, and they have handled it with absolute decency. They work with me to minimize the hurtful financial impact of what is going on. They help me to Garner resources in the right direction as I'm burning through them.I can't say they are the right firm for everyone. I can say that I unequivocally could not in any way shape or form have chosen a better team to bring on board, and help me navigate something with respect and love. Something impossible to do without the caring assistance of this group.read more
Mark M
I had a highly contentious and difficult international relocation case. Kim Anderson won the case. Relocation cases are extremely difficult, particularly international relocation cases. This is the only lawyer in Chicago you will want to talk to on this. I read some of... her articles online and consulted with her and I was glad I did. Nobody else could have done what she did. She fought hard against various delays, twists and turns. She is ethical and fights back hard against anyone who is not! She stands up to abuse of power and using the legal system to bully her clients. I felt safe and taken care of within the legal system for the first time within my case. If you want someone who will fight for you then this is the person for you. She has the experience, the expertise and the fighting spirit that you need. She is also straight up and to the point and very easy to relate to and work with. She is responsive and you get the sense she cares about her clients. The team around her are fantastic too and seem to work day and night. International relocations can be won-don't waste your time and money on anyone else-call Kim Anderson and her success.read more
K M.
We could not have been happier with the services provided by Anderson and Boback. If it were not for there experience in the type of case my family was involved in, I am convinced the outcome would not have been a positive one for us. Janice knew exactly how to respond... and to what we were entitled to do, bring and discuss during the phone sessions. I am sure it is a lot harder to have cases decided without in person conversations, but that is a reality of today's world. They knew exactly how to handle the situation.Hopefully never would we have to, but would not hesitate to use them again or recommend them in the specialty line of work they are expert in.read more
Wendy Z.
I could not have asked for better representation for my divorce than Jessica Sindel. Jessica was hardworking, thorough, intelligent, and practical. She got me everything I wanted with my settlement. She was always responsive, gave me regular updates, and I always knew... I had an excellent advocate. When the other side was being difficult and unresponsive, she handled it and moved the case along. I would highly recommend Jessica Sindel as an attorney.read more
Mary P
Boback/Anderson’s attorney Janice Boback was recommended And I do recommend her as one attorney who will adhere and work hard to serve the principles You believe in what ever the character of the opposing att. I strongly believe that family going through difficult... times should be served in a method respecting both sides with the least exposure possible to unnecessary painful processes.Att. Janice Boback esq. is the one you want ,who will persist on working in the utmost ethical manner to reach SETTLEMENTS and avoiding the un-needed processes that aim to serve interest of others than your family’s . She will explain to you your options what is legally possible and alternatives.When it comes to family issues, you will never regret choosing att Janice. She was and still is the best ethical and professional help during hard family times.read more
Isam H.
I recently worked with Jessica Marshall. She was informative, available, kind, and tough. I felt supported and she defintely knows what she is doing and how to get the job done. Highly recommend this firm.
Melyssa C.
Jan Boback was a great lawyer. She responded in a timely manner and answered all of my questions ( and there were a lot ). She's incredibly professional and takes her job seriously. I would definitely recommend her if you are in need of such services during a difficult... time.read more
Gurjot G.
Anderson and Boback have a professional, dedicated team who will fight for you and do everything in their power to help. They are kind, professional and kept be updated on my case. I VERY highly recommend their office. I worked with Genevieve Binnie on my latest case... and she went above and beyond!read more
Lisa S.
I had switched to Kim 6 mo into my case because I didn’t feel the firm at the time wasn’t very responsive, proactive and provided a good representation. Kim was a strong advocate for me in my case and fought like it’s her own battle. A great trial attorney. I was... awarded additional time as a result.read more
R. K
I worked with Alexandra Brinkmeier and she is a phenomenal lawyer and a great person as well. She cares about what she does and why she does it. I highly recommend her!!!
My lawyer was awesome!!! The situation was handle with such care. They were always readily available which was great to handle daily details and constant issues that arose. I will refer them to everyone I know for the rest of my life. That is how much I appreciated... them!!! Thanks, Lisread more
Lisa A.
Very professional law firm. I had to use them for many years for a child case. I can say I'm very pleased with the outcome and would highly recommend this law firm. They were always on top of anything that needed to be done. They did a better job than the opposing... council with arguments and making sure the judge had all the necessary paperwork to help us win our case. Thanks!read more
Josh N
I have used other law firms in the past, and I can honestly say that none of them compares to the work of Alexandra. I now understand how crucial it is to have the right counsel by your side.She is by far the best counsel I’ve ever had. She was on top of my case since... day one, pays close attention to details, and answered all my questions in a timely manner. Alexandra is deeply knowledgeable and with her experience, she has made my case get positive results.I will forever be grateful to Alexandra C. Brinkmeier. Alexandra Thank You!!!read more
Antonio R.
prior to finding and retaining Anderson & Boback, i had two previous lawyers. both of my prior attornies let the process drag on, and would not challenge opposing counsel. several issues surfaced during this time and my prior attornies were unwilling or unable to... address them.After an initial meeting with Kim Anderson, I did not hesitate to hire her as my now 3rd lawyer. Kim and Genevieve Binnie quickly familiarized themselves with the case. Kim and Genevieve are knowledgable, professional, and very confident. Kim and Genevieve gave me the impression that i was their only client. I was never told that they were too busy or had other important meetings to address my concerns, as my previous lawyers often did. just recently my case went to trial. although the judge has not made a ruling yet, i am confident in a favorable outcome for the case that Kim and Genevieve put on. i cannot thank them enough for their hard work. Both Kim and Genevieve are skilled, and excellent attornies. I highly recommend Anderson & Boback!read more
james B.
Highly recommend they helped me get a long over due child support modification. Props to Attorney Sindel for all her hard work and putting up with me.
Jason B.
Anderson & Boback was our 3rd Lawfirm for a family court issue. The others were mean, rude, disrespectful, & unresponsive. A & B was very courteous, respectful, & knowledgeable! They were great! They maintained their professionalism in very dicey situations.I’ll use... them again if needed!read more
Lorenzo L.
I will recommend Jessica Marshall as an excellent attorney for child custody and family law cases. From the moment she took on my case, she was determined to help me achieve my desired outcome (of course in the best interest of my son).Jessica worked diligently on my... case and showed compassion through out the year long custody battle. She has the knowledge, wit and compassion that it takes to represent and fight for a fathers rights.If you ever need or know someone in need of a family law attorney, Jessica is the one for you.read more
Solomon M.
i was involved in a very complicated custody battle. My attorney was Kim Anderson. She stepped up & took my case when 5 other law firms would not. Kim showed professionalisms, integrity & most importantly for me, heart. She diligently fought for almost 4 years to... make sure I had a positive outcome. Kim is not afraid to take on a challenge & give it all she’s got for her clients. I don’t know where my family would be today if not for Kim Anderson.read more
Peggy K.
For years, I have been bombarded with bad-faith petitions by my daughter's biological father; Though we've lived in Florida since my daughter was 17 months old (she'll be 12 in a week), the jurisdiction has remained, sadly, in Illinois. Her father has an unlimited... amount of money to waste, and as a single mother of two, and a Florida educator, I do not; I have struggled to fly back and forth to Chicago from Florida, fighting Pro-Se because I've not been able to afford an attorney. I've had to incur costs to fly to Chicago, lose work time, lose time with my family, and simply continue to be harassed with no end in sight. Recently, after being bombarded again- now with 'emergency petitions' with no merit to them, but simply designed to ensure I am not able to fly within 24 hours from Florida to Chicago to defend myself, my family members said, "ENOUGH!". I was referred to Janice Boback from a dear family friend, and another family member loaned me the retainer fee, which is very reasonable. Janice, with only 36 hours to prepare for a hearing, was a ROCK STAR! It was the first time I felt that the 'little guy' won a victory! She was laser sharp, calm, and unrelenting - Everything was dismissed against me! My daughter's best interest was supported, and the Judge, because it was a hearing, was finally made aware of the facts. After almost two hours, the judge stated he finds me, "Completely credible, honest, and in no way attempting to interfere with [my] daughter's relationship with her biological father"... He went on to tell her father, "She is not responsible for 'spoon-feeding' you information about your daughter."... POETIC JUSTICE! Janice is my HERO - A Peaceful Warrior who is steady in a sea of chaos, ready to lift onto her shoulders those whose voice has been drowned out! Thank you!read more
Rosanne H.
Wonderful law firm! Jessica Marshall is a terrific attorney. Not only is she an expert in family law, she listens, she cares, and she gets to the bottom of the issues to protect the best interests of children involved and the client. She's aggressive and practical and... the one you want on your side. Everyone that I have worked with at this firm has been helpful, skilled, and extremely professional.read more
I have worked with Jan for several years after finding her through Google Reviews. She has been a tremendous asset to my case. She is always responsive and willing to help. She is extremely knowledgeable of the law and is always realistic about expectations.... Ultimately, I got the BEST possible outcome for my case due to Jan’s diligence. I am so glad she is on my side!read more
Krystal H.
Ms. Boback is an excellent legal resource. She collaborated with me on possible solutions for a mutual client concerning a complicated matter that implicated the laws of multiple states. She was knowledgeable, helpful, and practical. She certainly earned my highest... endorsement.read more
James L.
While looking to switch to a female attorney for a very contentious separation involving a child with an exe, I came across the law firm of Anderson & Boback. They were very prompt with the call-back response to my inquiry and connected me with Janice right away.... Janice took a substantial amount of time to speak with me, to better understand the complexities in my case, and she offered great insight.I found this firm to very compassionate and understanding in how to navigate the legal system in this matter and also in their understanding of the sort of individual I unfortunately have to deal with and the associated legal games separating parents may face.I would have absolutely sought Anderson & Boback’s council but there was a conflict and with my case already advanced, I chose another female attorney. Based on my initial experience, I would definitely recommend this firm!read more
Lucy M.
You get what you pay for... !After firing our first attorney because quite frankly he was in over his head with our case we hired Jessica Marshall from Anderson and Boback.Jessica was responsive, attentive, has a hyper attention to detail and of course, knows the... laws relating to the litigation of custody, child support, and parenting time inside and out. At no point did we feel Jessica was not ontop of our case and ready to see our case all the way through to a trial. She managed expectations. Under promised, over delivered!No trail, an agreement in place with the parenting time we wanted and a manageable child support order was the end result of a bitter child support and parenting time case.Hopefully we will not have to utilize Jessica’s services again but in the event that we need to, we have full confidence in her abilities. She did an outstanding job for us. Cannot say enough about how pleased we are as a result of Jessica’s services. Highly recommend!read more
Devere J.
I could not be more impressed or appreciative for this firm's work. Kimberly Anderson is professional, benefits from an exceptional reputation in the legal community, and understands how to make a difficult process easier. Her availability to answer questions and... strategize goes far beyond what I've experienced with other lawyers. I highly recommend her firm.read more
John D.
Kim Anderson is a fantastic attorney. I was very stressed and scared over possible outcome of my case. Kim successfully defended me and helped me move forward with my life. I can't honestly thank her enough.
Jason G.
I was in an existing parentage case that had been drawn out for about a year and a half with little being done, before I decided to switch firms to Anderson & Boback. Kim Anderson reached out to me immediately upon my inquiry and it was very clear to me that she was... interested in what I had to say, and genuine in her responses to my questions. In taking on my case, she showed strong support for the outcome I wanted, gave very reasonable advice to help me get there, and brought experience to the table to guide me in my own decision making. She kept things moving, and so within only a few months of bringing her on, we were able to wrap up the case with a great outcome. Couldn't be more pleased. Thank you so much Kim!read more
Suzanne P.
Absolutely wonderful, are just some of the adjectives I can use to describe the wonderful women at Anderson and Boback. Kimberly Anderson is a tough hard-nosed lawyer who knows what she's doing and the direction she wants to go when it comes to fighting for her client.... Since the day I contacted this firm because of the deteriorating circumstances involving my ex-wife, she listened to me and gave sound advice. When it came time to fight in the courtroom, she was more than ready and communicative throughout the entire process with the first emergency order, which we won. This happened on two more occasions before our day in court and she still fought hard winning each time. The communication was excellent as she explained the possible outcomes and worst case scenarios before each case. I couldn't have come into contact with a better lawyer. Kim is outstanding and she stays abreast of current changes occurring within our legal system. In instances when Kim personally couldn't be there, Jessica Marshall stepped in her place and did a wonderful job. Our last victory was culminated with Kim still giving her all to fight for me, when she was dealing with her own health issue; that honestly meant a lot to me because she was not only displaying her passion to fight for her client but her dedication to obtaining best possible solution for a father who was being denied his parental rights. All I can say is, if you're contemplating on hiring these wonderful women at Anderson and Boback, DO IT! You will not regret your decision because they will fight for you and they are just wonderful from the paralegals, to the lawyers, and partners they're TOP NOTCH! Not only in the state of Illinois but I'd put them against any lawyer nationally.read more
Bruce J.
I just want to say that Kimberly Anderson is an amazing lawyer!! She is smart and easy to talk too. She is willing to listen to you and what you want. She helped me in more ways than she knows. She always answers your calls or emails and if you don’t understand... something she is more than willing to explain it . She also won’t sugar coat things and has your best interest in mind. I will recommend her to anyone that needs a divorce lawyer. Also the people who work with her are friendly and always willing to help in any way they can.read more
Kate G.
My sister had used thier services and I can actually say THEY ARE F***KING GOOD .. I seen them in action they WON. I can actually say I want them on my side..
Maria H.
Jan Boback represented me in a domestic order of protection case. Her expertise and performance in court was nothing but stellar! She knew every aspect of the law related to this issue and very clearly communicated the conforming facts of the case to the judge. The... judge, even though they have full discretion, could not argue with Jan's facts, how they conformed and her very calm presentation. She read the judge's body language which has a big factor in court when you are dealing with a judge you've never been before in the past.Jan is nothing but outstanding at her job.I've referred her to others and will continue to do so.Deanread more
Dean K.
I was very grateful to do business with Janice Boback.I am a strong believer in God, Justice, and “Janice”.She expressed extreme knowledge in the law pertaining to my case. Her winner attitude and great communication skills always kept my mind at peace.The trust... connection and bond between Janice and I was priceless.I always felt protected under her guidance with complete awareness of the status and all possible outcomes to my case.She was always available to answer or explain any questions or concerns I had.She is truly the attorney to have if the situation arises.read more
Larisa H.
Kim Anderson has a knack for staying 1-step ahead of me and my thought process. This is extremely helpful in those moments when I am stressed on legalities and not quite thinking straight. Kim also capably breaks the legal speak into everyday terms that I can... understand. Kim is an excellent attorney who is prompt, diligent and professional. The team at Anderson & Boback was invaluable in guiding me through my divorce as well as resettlement issues that I initiated after the divorce. Thanks for all your help Kim!read more
Michael C.
Jessica Marshall was amazing! My divorce should have been an easy process, since we didn't have any children or assets; however the opposing party was adamant on making it complicated. Jessica not only kept me informed of everything that was happening but advised me on... the best course of action to get divorced within a reasonable time-frame and without it costing me everything I owned. I couldn't thank her enough once it was all over. I can now move on with my life and it's because of her.read more
Jenny R.
Jessica is Amazing! She is kind, thoughtful, detailed oriented. She is quick in responding. She is knowledgeable. She fought for me in court and not afraid to speak up for her client. She has this confidence in return I feel confidence. She gives me good advices and... helping me to make right decisions. I am so very grateful she is my attorney.read more
Daranee A.
Jessica Marshall sat with me and supported me from the moment of our first consult to the final court appearance. No question went unanswered, no call/email left unreturned, and no doubt that she was on my side and ready to work. Jessica handled my case with confidence... and empathy, which I greatly appreciate given court can, often times, feel overwhelming. Cost was worth every penny and I know that every dollar was earned. I am grateful that the outcome was in my daughter’s favor and that she is now safe. My daughter will be forever thankful for finally having her voice heard in court, as Jessica suggested, through a child rep. I also want to acknowledge Gianna Carabez, Jessica’s paralegal, for always being kind and available to take my calls.read more
Sara G.
I have worked with lawyers in the past, Jan I feel really took care of me! She always had time for me, was very good at getting back to me when she was busy. In court I could see she handled her self confidently and was respected by other lawyers and also the judge. I... have recommended her to friends and family and will continue to do so!read more
Jim B.
This practice will go above and beyond! During a difficult time they were understanding and helpful.Very responsive! I received a fair and favorable outcome. I recommend contacting them immediately to get the ball rolling.
Antiwon S.
After visiting with two other law firms, I selected Anderson & Boback. They are professional! The former office was bright and pleasant. The receptionists are professional. The attorney I was assigned listened to my story and then prepared a course of action. I am... glad I chose Anderson & Boback to handle my divorce case. I highly recommend them!read more
Richard P.
Kim came as a referral from a great friend of mine. This wasn't an easy process to go through, but Kim gave me great guidance and help along the way. Wouldn't have gotten the outcome I wanted without her and her team.
Meghan M.
In April of 2016, I had an urgent need for a family attorney to help me litigate some critical issues unresolved from my divorce decree ordered by the cook county family court in 2011. I interviewed 3 attorneys and ended up picking the last one I felt was the best out... of the three. What a mistake I made after two months of litigation and more than $10,000 legal fees. In July, I interviewed two more attorneys and I selected attorney Anderson to replace the previous attorney. What a switch I made! All the critical issues were litigated and resolved to my complete satisfaction. Attorney Andersen has a very simple way of serving her client: she will listen to my story and ask what legal outcome I am expecting to get, and she will recommend a course of action and get me the result in the most cost effective manner. In short, when you give your problems to attorney Anderson for solutions, you can go home and sleep well.read more
Dean C
Kim handled both of our adoptions for us and made the process so easy. When you’re overwhelmed with all of the legal details it’s so nice knowing you’ve got someone who will attend to them so you can focus on other things. Very professional and highly recommended!
Cd J.
Kim is very professional and cared about your case. Always there when you need her. Thanks for all your hard work.
Kim S.
Elizabeth Bailey
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I really appreciated Laura’s help on my case. She was professional, empathetic, knowledgeable, and very quick to respond. She made an unfortunate situation much more tolerable with her ability to move my case along quickly and easily. Highly recommend.
Audrey Tabon
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I’ve been working with Anderson and Boback since 2019 due to the unfortunate complexities of my case. It’s been exhausting and expensive but having this group of powerful attorneys has been pivotal in the success of my case.
Timothy Host
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Attorney Jessica's exceptional assistance and success in securing a proper visitation agreement and reuniting me with my daughter surpassed my expectations. Her prompt correspondence and attention to detail were remarkable, ensuring efficient communication and leaving no aspect of my case overlooked.
Paul Cavill
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Laura was my assigned Attorney and she was very professional and did an excellent job. Great advice and did everything as quickly and easily as possible. I couldn't of gone through the unfortunate process I had to and got the outcome I did without her. Highly recommend.
Dan Strickland
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Words cannot express the gratitude I have for Jessica Marshall and her team. As a father who was no longer present in the USA, I was facing a monumental task to get access to my daughter in the face of extreme hostility. She made the impossible happen, and I’ll forever be in her debt.
Kelly Olsen
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We never go into a marriage thinking I have a great divorce attorney if this doesn’t work out. However, Laura Darby is the attorney you want in your back pocket if you do have to go through a divorce! Laura is extremely knowledgeable, caring, and will advocate for her clients. She will provide realistic, clear, and yet supportive guidance to her clients.
Karen Mae
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If you’re looking for a smart, reliable divorce attorney, look no further. I was able to collect many years of back support with the assistance of this office. Jessica Marshall really knows what she is doing and I felt that my outcome was fair. You really do get what you pay for.
Rob Backeberg
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My experience with Anderson & Boback was nothing short of professional, efficient and caring. My lawyer, Jessica Marshall, provided a strong sense of guidance, reassurance and a human touch during a very difficult and complicated legal process. Highly recommend Jessica and her team.
Raza K.
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Jessica is a dedicated, intelligent and a skillful attorney. Her arguments are skillfully articulated. She helped me in getting my divorce finalized in 2018. She then helped in getting the past due child support from my X-spouse and then recently in getting the maintenance alimony payments settled. I would highly recommend their services.
Joanna Kieplin
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Jessica C. Marshall , partner at Anderson & Bobak is one of the best attorneys I had a pleasure to work with! I wish I had found her sooner in my divorce process. I had a post decree military pension issue and it was resolved quickly, efficiently and effectively. I didn’t even have to go to court or interact with my ex- spouse. The billing was also very straightforward and honest. Highly recommended attorney!

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    20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602

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    5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062

    Firm Overview
    Anderson Boback & Marshall

    Anderson Boback & Marshall is a highly-respected, experienced Chicago family law firm, skilled in negotiation and litigation for divorce and other family law issues. With multiple offices in NorthBrook and Chicago Downtown, we make it easy for you to book an appointment in a location near you. Our family and divorce lawyers serve families in Cook County, Lake County, Will County, and DuPage County. Call Now 312-715-0870

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