• Chicago Downtown Office
    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062

Divorce and Bankruptcy: How It Works

Categorized as Divorce

Bankruptcy and divorce: two areas of law most people hope to avoid in their lifetime As a lawyer who has practiced in both areas of law, I want to unpack the stigma and help people who find themselves in the situation of dealing with bankruptcy and divorce at the same time. Divorce and bankruptcy can

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Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity in the Chicago Legal Community

Categorized as ABM News

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity was founded on November 8, 1902, and is the largest co-ed professional law fraternity in the United States. Its members include undergraduate students, law school students, lawyers, judges, legal educators, government officials and many more. There are many active alumni and student chapters across the nation and even overseas. Today

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Women’s Bar Association of Illinois – Chicago Strong!

Categorized as ABM News

The Women’s Bar Association of Illinois (“WBAI”) is exceptionally strong in Chicago’s legal community and diverse. It is full of influential female leaders whose mission is to better the legal profession and their communities. It is a commonly misconstrued perception that you must be a licensed attorney to join the Women’s Bar Association. In fact,

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Learn About How Spousal Maintenance and Division of Marital Assets Intersect

Categorized as Property Division, Spousal Support

When a couple goes through a divorce, there are many issues that could arise. Two of the largest issues in a divorce are spousal support or maintenance (formerly alimony) and the division of marital assets. Spousal Support, Maintenance and Alimony in IllinoisSpousal Support, Maintenance and Alimony in IllinoisDividing Property and Marital Assets in

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