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    • 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, IL 60602
  • Northbrook, IL Office
    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062

Jessica Marshall was chosen for the ISBA Leadership Academy

Categorized as ABM News

Anderson Boback & Marshall Partner Jessica C. Marshall has been selected as an inaugural member of the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) Leadership Academy. With just 20 candidates selected across the state of Illinois, this is an exciting honor for Jessica. The Leadership Academy is a landmark program is designed to train the next generation

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Another Father’s Attempt to Reduce Child Support Fails

Categorized as Child Support, Child Support Modification

Recently, I wrote about the father in the Salvatore v. Salvatore case who attempted to reduce child support and failed. Now the Appellate court has decided another case, reversing the trial court that allowed a modification of child support. Father’s Seeks to Reduce Child SupportFather’s Seeks to Reduce Child SupportThe Debate Over What

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Business Valuation and Divorce – Plan for the Unforeseen

Categorized as High Asset Divorce, Property Division

A business valuation helps plan for unforeseen circumstances, details an exit strategy for the owners and lays out an execution plan for expansion; Business valuations use many different ways to come up with a value but what is always relevant is the business assets, liabilities, income, benefits and the current market in and outside of

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