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    • 5 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062
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How to Protect Your Assets in Divorce

Categorized as Property Division

In an Illinois divorce, any property, money, or debts acquired during the marriage is considered marital property and must be divided between the husband and wife.  So however, if you are concerned about keeping certain assets separate or protecting assets from division in divorce, there are a few things to keep in mind.  3 Ways

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Navigating the Division of Retirement Accounts in High Asset Divorce

Categorized as High Asset Divorce

High asset divorces typically involve many different types of assets which need to be allocated or otherwise divided.  Generally, this includes retirement accounts.  Retirement accounts are most commonly 401(k) accounts or Individual Retirement Accounts (also known as “IRAs”).  Occasionally, they will involve a pension, which is another type of retirement account.  In the divorce settlement

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What is a Contribution Hearing?

Categorized as Divorce Litigation

Typically, unless both parties want a divorce equally and agree to do things quickly and without litigation, both parties are going to incur attorney’s fees and court costs throughout the dissolution of marriage proceedings. The general rule for attorney’s fees in the United States is that both parties pay their own legal fees.  Despite this

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